Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do you like True Blood???

The Official True Blood Wiki
The Official True Blood WikiTrue Blood

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New favorite scent!

I'd like to introduce you to my current favorite scent. L'Heure Bleue by Guerlain. It is the most hypnotic, melancholy, comforting scent I have yet to discover.
It is in my humble opinion, poetry in a bottle. Like a good poem, I seem to read something new into it every time I wear it.
Simply put, it touches my soul and I have a feeling it will remain with me forever.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sharon Tate: January 24, 1943-August 9, 1969

I love "Valley of the Dolls" and especially enjoyed Sharon's performance. I hope as the 40th anniversary of her death approaches, we can pay tribute to her life.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Thing 23!

I'm really happy I made the decision to take part in this learning 2.0 program. It has been a great way to learn different things that are available on the internet. You can go at your own pace and learn through trial and error how to use the various things. Now I know what people are talking about when they use terms like wikis and podcasts! I'm really happy about learning how to use Flickr and and plan on exploring them even more in the future. Thanks for the chance you gave us to become more tech savvy!

Thing 22: Teaching someone one of the 23 things

Helen and I have collaborated throughout this project. I find it helpful to show someone else what I've learned because I feel it reinforces my own knowledge. I do plan on showing my father and possibly others how to create their own blogs.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Thing 21: Podcasts

I'm already VERY familiar with itunes which I find to be easy to use. I also had the pleasure of doing a radio talk show with Roxann, Sharon S., and Devin. This is located on the right hand side of my blog. The topic of our show was the death of John Lennon. It was a very cool experience and probably the only time I'll do radio!

Thing 20: Rita Hayworth as Gilda (music by Pink Martini)

Thing 20 : YouTube Comment

I love YouTube! I can spend hours just looking at different videos. I choose to post a video my brother made of his daughter. That video is just beneath this post. The one above this post is from one of my favorite movies "Gilda". The music is by a band called "Pink Martini" and I just love them! Whoever put this video together did a great job! I have a couple more I posted earlier since I'm already familiar with this site.

Thing 20: My niece Lydia.

Symphony in Black | AT THE THEATRE SUITE | Erte

Erte's work is sheer glamour. What more can I say!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thing 19

Well now, I wanted to test out something fun so I went for Cocktail Builder. This is so cool! It is especially handy for people who entertain frequently. You can find many cocktail recipes by using this tool. Also, you can create a "favorites" list. Now I don't know how this could relate to libraries. Unless library cocktail lounges become a new trend?!

Thing 18

Below is the test document from ZOHO Writer. I played around with a spreadsheet too. I really enjoyed this exercise. I already have a Google account and use the Google calender so I choose to play with ZOHO. The only drawback to these online tools is that they are not as "secure" as Word documents. What I mean is that as long as the information isn't "top secret" one can feel fine about using these tools.

Thing 18: ZOHO Test document

This is a test document for Web 2.0. smile

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thing 17 :Part 2

I kind of fixed my mistake. If nothing else this "Thing" has taught me the importance of "spaces" when typing URLs.

Thing 17

PBWiki. Well that was interesting. I'm sure I messed up somewhere! I know for a fact I added my blog to the FAVORITE BLOGS page twice and they are probably both in the wrong place. Anyway, I did add my two cents to the FAVORITE BOOKS section and the FAVORITE MOVIE section. I can safely say this was my least favorite "thing" so far! Sorry for such a negative post.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thing 16

Wikis. Having been familiar with Wikipedia and the concept behind it, I had an idea of what they were. I didn't know there were so many!! I checked out the wiki examples and found a couple I really liked. I enjoyed BOOK LOVERS WIKI very much. This could be very handy in the future when searching for a review or a synopsis of a book. I also liked the SAINT JOSEPH'S COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY subject guides. The ease of use was terrific and I like how you can click on a subject and it will bring up a definition page as well as some examples of titles the library owns.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thing 15

I read a few of the perspectives on library 2.0 and found the most interesting one to be "To a Temporary Place in Time" by Dr. Wendy Schultz. Her thoughts and how libraries will evolve were exciting and positive. I am anxious to see how libraries will evolve in the next 10-20 years.

Thing 14

Technorati is quite fun! It is such a cool way to find out what the "hot topics" are out there in the blogosphere. I did a little searching for topics I like and found many of the blogs I read regularly in addition to others.

Thing 13

I already have a account so for me this step was good to find out different ways people use it. I have to be honest here, I really don't find myself using it all that much but I can see how it would be useful to others.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thing 12

I can definitely see myself using Rollyo again. It is an easy way of locating and sharing websites on a number of topics.
Here is a Searchbox containing my Searchroll "Fashion & Stars":

Powered by Rollyo

Thing 11

Here is my Library Thing bookshelf:

Thing 10

Here is the link.I chose FD Toys to create a jigsaw puzzle. This was actually quite fun to do!


To laugh often and much
to win the respect of intelligent people
and affection of children; to earn the
appreciation of honest critics and
endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty, to find the best
in others; to leave the world a bit
better, whether by a healthy child
a garden patch or redeemed
social condition; to know even
one life has breathed easier because
you have lived. This is to have

-Ralph Waldo Emerson