Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Things 8 & 9

Bloglines...What a challenge! Definitely the hardest step to conquer as of yet. Especially Blogrolling! Yeesh, I'm glad I was finally able to do it the right way! O.K., enough complaining, once I set up my Blogline account I was pleasantly surprised to see that I am able to scale back on the amount of bookmarks I have and subscribe to sites while not having to worry about clogging up my e-mail account.


cpferree said...

What did you find to be most challenging about setting up a bloglines account? We've presented this in faculty workshops before, so it would be good to know what people have trouble with so that we can address it in future presentations.

Also, if you're not happy with Bloglines you may want to check out Google Reader. I've switches from Bloglines to Google Reader and find that I like it much better.


Joan said...

I really enjoyed your blog and all the creativity and learning you have already demonstrated.



To laugh often and much
to win the respect of intelligent people
and affection of children; to earn the
appreciation of honest critics and
endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty, to find the best
in others; to leave the world a bit
better, whether by a healthy child
a garden patch or redeemed
social condition; to know even
one life has breathed easier because
you have lived. This is to have

-Ralph Waldo Emerson